jQuery animate() 사용하기

animate()는 4개의 인자를 가진다.

  1. .css()와 비슷한 속성값
  2. 속도, 역시 1/1000초 단위
  3. 외부 플러그인(pulg-in)효과주기
  4. 콜백함수


.animate( properties [, duration ] [, easing ] [, complete ] 
$(div).animate(attribute, speed, plug-in, callback_fnc);

  1. 속성 입력
$('#box').animate({ 'width':'500px',opacity:0.4});
  1. 속도 입력
$('#box').animate({ 'width':'500px',opacity:0.4},200);

See the Pen jQuery - Animate() by younghyeong ryu (@wangta69) on CodePen.


See the Pen jQuery - Animate() by younghyeong ryu (@wangta69) on CodePen.


  • easeInQuad
  • easeOutQuad
  • easeInOutQuad
  • easeInCubic
  • easeOutCubic
  • easeInOutCubic
  • easeInQuart
  • easeOutQuart
  • easeInOutQuart
  • easeInQuint
  • easeOutQuint
  • easeInOutQuint
  • easeInSine
  • easeOutSine
  • easeInOutSine
  • easeInExpo
  • easeOutExpo
  • easeInOutExpo
  • easeInCirc
  • easeOutCirc
  • easeInOutCirc
  • easeInElastic
  • easeOutElastic
  • easeInOutElastic
  • easeInBack
  • easeOutBack
  • easeInOutBack
  • easeInBounce
  • easeOutBounce
  • easeInOutBounce
평점을 남겨주세요
평점 : 2.5
총 투표수 : 1