Motion move

특정방향으로 진행한다.

private create () {
    const speed = 5000; // milisecond
    this.physics.moveTo(object, target.x,  target.y, speed, [1000]);
private create () {
    const speed = 5000; // milisecond
    this.physics.moveToObject(object, {x, y}, speed, [1000]);

위의 코드는 한방향으로 계속진행하므로 멈추게 하기위해서는 reset 명령을 사용하여야 한다.

function update ()
    var distance = Phaser.Math.Distance.Between(source.x, source.y, target.x, target.y);

    if (source.body.speed > 0)
        distanceText.setText('Distance: ' + distance);

        //  4 is our distance tolerance, i.e. how close the source can get to the target
        //  before it is considered as being there. The faster it moves, the more tolerance is required.
        if (distance < 4)
            source.body.reset(target.x, target.y);

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평점을 남겨주세요
평점 : 2.5
총 투표수 : 1