[css] 문자 자르기 updated_at: 2024-12-16 03:53

css를 이용한 글자 자르기


	text-overflow:ellipsis;		/* IE, Safari */
	-o-text-overflow:ellipsis;		/* Opera under 10.7 */
	overflow:hidden;			/* "overflow" value must be different from "visible" */ 
	-moz-binding: url('ellipsis.xml#ellipsis');


<div class="ellipsis"> 문자 aaa bbb ccc ddd eee fff ggg hhh iii jjj kkk </div>

See the Pen css 이미지 중앙정렬 by younghyeong ryu (@wangta69) on CodePen.

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평점 : 5.0
총 투표수 : 1

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