0초 부터 초단위로 초올리기 updated_at: 2024-12-14 16:06

0초 부터 초단위로 초올리기


startday = new Date(); 
clockStart = startday.getTime(); 

function initStopwatch() { 
  var myTime = new Date(); 
  return((myTime.getTime() - clockStart)/1000); 

function getSecs() { 
  console.log('getSecs start');
  var tSecs = Math.round(initStopwatch()); 
  var iSecs = tSecs % 60; 
  var iMins = Math.round((tSecs-30)/60);   
  var sSecs ="" + ((iSecs > 9) ? iSecs : "0" + iSecs); 
  var sMins ="" + ((iMins > 9) ? iMins : "0" + iMins); 
  var timeRemain = sMins+":"+sSecs; 

  document.getElementById('clock').innerHTML = timeRemain;


window.onload = window.setTimeout('getSecs()',1)


<span id="clock" class="txt_red"></span>

See the Pen 0초 부터 초단위로 초올리기 by younghyeong ryu (@wangta69) on CodePen.

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평점 : 5.0
총 투표수 : 1

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