[phaser] TWEEN
angular 에서 phaser의 tween 사용법
Ease funciton 참조 Tween task 참조;
Phaser 3.x 에서의 기본 사용법
targets: gameObject,
x: 1,
// x: '+=1',
// x: '-=1',
// x: '*=1',
// x: '/=1',
// x: 'random(0.25, 0.75)',
// x: 'int(10, 100)',
// x: [100, 300, 200, 600],
// x: { from: 0, to: 1 },
// x: { start: 0, to: 1 },
// x: { start: value0, from: value1, to: value2 },
// x: {
// getActive: function (target, key, value, targetIndex, totalTargets, tween) { return newValue; },
// getStart: function (target, key, value, targetIndex, totalTargets, tween) { return newValue; },
// getEnd: function (target, key, value, targetIndex, totalTargets, tween) { return newValue; }
// },
scaleX: 1, // X scale
scaleY: 1, // Y scale
ease: 'Sine.easeInOut',
easeParams: null,
duration: 300, // tweens 실행 시간 (0.3초)
delay: 50, // delay : 어느정도 후에 실행할 것인가?
repeat: -1, // -1 은 무한대로 반복, 1, 2, 3.... 횟수
// delay between tween and yoyo
hold: 0,
yoyo: true // 끝난위치에서 처음으로, 처음에서 끝난 위치로
이벤트 리스너를 추가할 시
targets: cardObject,
scaleX: 0.01,
ease: 'Linear',
duration: 300,
repeat: 0,
yoyo: false,
onActive: () => {},
onUpdate: (tween, target, key, current, previous, param) => {},
onUpdateParams: [],
onStart: () => {
// 시작할때 이벤트
onComplete: () => {
// 완료시 이벤트
// yoyo 관련
flipX: false,
flipY: false,
onYoyo: (tween, target, key, current, previous, param) => {
// yoyo가 반복될때 이벤트
onYoyoParams: [],
// repeat 관련
onRepeat: (tween, target, key, current, previous, param) => {
// repeat 될때 이벤트
onRepeatParams: [],
// delay to next pass
repeatDelay: 0,
// delay to next pass
repeatDelay: 0,
참조로 phaser 2.x 를 phaser 3.x로 변경한 모습니다.
- 2.x
let tween = this.add.tween(gem);
y: gem.y - this.BOARD_HEIGHT
}, 500, Phaser.Math.Easing.Bounce.Out);
tween.onComplete.add(() => {
gem.isSettled = true;
- 3.x
targets: gem,
y: {from: gem.y - this.BOARD_HEIGHT, to: gem.y},
ease: Phaser.Easing.Bounce.Out,
duration: 500,
onComplete: () => {gem.isSettled = true;}
- Linear : Phaser.Math.Easing.Linear
- Phaser.Math.Easing.Quadratic.InOut
import * as Phaser from 'phaser';
export class GameScene extends Phaser.Scene {
constructor() {
super({ key: 'main' });
private preload () {
public create () {
const Square: any = this.add.rectangle(0, 0, 75, 75, 0x64c8a5);
targets: Square,
rotation: (Math.PI / 180) * 45 * 5,
ease: 'Sine.easeInOut',
duration: 1000,
x: 500,
y: 500,
scaleX: -11,
override update () {
다양한 예제
연속적인 모션을 처리할때 유용하다.
var chain = scene.tweens.chain({
targets: null,
tweens: [
// targets: gameObject,
alpha: 1,
ease: 'Linear', // 'Cubic', 'Elastic', 'Bounce', 'Back'
duration: 1000,
repeat: 0, // -1: infinity
yoyo: false
// ... 계속적인 tween 추가
delay: 0,
completeDelay: 0,
loop: 0, // repeat: 0,
repeatDelay: 0,
paused: false,
persist: true,
// callbackScope: this,
targets: swapList[1],
alpha: 0,
ease: Phaser.Math.Easing.Linear,
duration: 300,
repeat: 2,
yoyo: true
숫자 카운트를 자연스럽게 올릴때 사용
private addCounter(from: number, to: number) {
from: from,
to: to,
ease: 'Linear', // 'Cubic', 'Elastic', 'Bounce', 'Back'
duration: 500,
repeat: 0, // -1: infinity
yoyo: false,
onUpdate: (tween: any, targets: any, key: any, current: any, previous: any, param: any) => {
this._score.text = parseInt(tween.getValue());